

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Getting Back on Track

May 31st
303 Days Left

Wow. Nothing like a few weddings, the in-laws, and a holiday to get me off track! It's been about two weeks since I did an actual workout, which bums me a bit. I've been doing other things to stay active, but I'd like to get back into my routine.

Until I do (I have a few things to complete around the house first), I've decided to do a few things every day:

  1. Any time I'm 'bored', I'm going to get up, stretch, and jog in place to get my heart going. 
  2. I'm going to do three 30 second planks.
  3. I'm going to do my arm exercises any chance I get with my stretch band. 
  4. I'm going to complete lunges and squats when I am cleaning up after the kids. 
It's a minimal effort, but it's still effort.


Update in Goals:

  1. As of today, I have lost 11 lbs! Not too shabby considering all the food I've been eating. 
  2. The weather has been great so I've been outside with the kids a lot. I've started a garden and I've taken over the lawn care duties from my husband. 
  3. Still no baby #3. Sigh...
  4. I've been writing on HubPages like crazy. I have written 9 articles in the past month, and I'll be writing 8-10 this month. (Find my articles here.)
Well, time to put the kids for a nap and get to work. Have a great day! 


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Working Out While Cleaning Up

May 18

Phew. Have you ever made yourself sweat while cleaning? I do it quite often while cleaning every day.
Counts as exercise, doesn't it? Sure does, at least in my book!

Anytime I clean my house, it's with at least moderate effort, from laundry to mopping. According to MyFitnessPal, even twenty minutes of such cleaning burns nearly 70 calories. I'll take it.

When I clean up toys or anything on the floor, I like to do some lunges or squats. If I'm doing laundry, I'll take a few piles of close at a time up and down my steps for an aerobic workout.

A few days ago, I decided to cut my lawn, which is usually my husband's job, but he's been super busy. It took me 2.5 hours to clean up the yard. Those 2.5 hours helped me burn 1300 calories! I think I'll cut the lawn every other day now...

More on this later. Toddler is calling.

Thanks for reading! Hope you have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Best Workout Routine Yet!

May 10, 2012

324 Days left

Best Workout Routine Yet! 

Today's workout routine was my best one yet! I think I may have hit the jackpot for me, at least until I get tired of it. I made a new customized workout routine on EA Sports Active 2 that was a mix of everything--arm exercises, aerobics, core exercises, and full-body exercises. I started with a 5 minute warm-up, mixed quite a few of the different exercises in the middle so it was continuously different, and ended with a 5 minute cool-down. It was set for 50 minutes, but it went by so fast because I was really enjoying myself. It was really hard, but it was a blast!

Today's Workout Routine
This one really made me sweat, and I definitely felt a burn in my arms and thighs. I think this will be the routine I stick with for a while.

I did make it a bit more interesting when I had to do the running exercises. Instead of running in place, I ran around my living room. My neighbors must think I'm crazy!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Exercise on a Monday

May 7

Exercise on a Monday is sometimes no fun. But hey, it has to happen, right?

I was not feeling it. Exercise just wasn't on my agenda, but I needed it to be. I've been doing so well that I couldn't give up.

So I did a lil' one.

The lil' workout
Source: MMcK
135 calories seems like nothing, but it was something. At least I got my butt up and moved!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

332 Days Left: Exercise and Goals Update

May 2nd

Today's workout was kind of a bust. I had every intention of having another great workout and even modified it so that it was even better, but I just couldn't get through it without feeling dizzy and shaky. Ugh. At least I tried though, right? I made it for 15 minutes and burned nearly 100 calories.

Tomorrow will hopefully be better.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I Lost Weight! 333 Days Left

May 1, 2012

Yaahhhhoooooo!!! I lost some weight! I'm down six pounds since my last weigh in, for a total of seven pounds lost. I'm so thrilled!

I'm down to 214lbs!
Source: MMcK

And yet...I feel like I cheated. If you've been following along, I was sick last week with a nasty stomach bug. Nasty. My whole family succumbed to this terrible illness for an entire week. Yuck.

Here I am though, two days after my last round with the bug. Yesterday, I ate more than my allotted calories because, hey, I was hungry. Only today did I start exercising again. So to what should I attribute this weight loss?

Eh, the heck with it. I've been working hard. I'll claim the victory!