

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Deadly Pizza and Trying MyFitnessPal App

It was a tough weekend for me, mostly because of, well, me. I wasn't watching what I ate, even though I started tracking WW style.

Saturday, I did well during the day, but when my husband proposed pizza that night, I said yes without hesitation. It's not like we haven't had pizza in a while; we have it every week!

He brought home Sicilian style red, white, and white with broccoli, all deadly in their own way. I started with two pieces: one red, one white broccoli. Great. Not so bad.

An hour later, the white started calling my name. I went for it, but when I got there, another white broccoli whined that I wasn't eating it too. So there's two more pieces...

An hour later (did I mention it was a late night?) another piece called out to me.

Why do I do that to myself?? Ugh. I felt gross when I realized what I did to my body.

At least I (hopefully) burned off some calories with cleaning and chasing after the kids.

While posting things on Pinterest related to this blog, I found a quote that I repinned. It basically said that for every pound I want to lose, I have to burn 500 more calories a day than what I eat (or something of that nature). A friend of mine left a comment about using MyFitnessPal and how it was working for her. I decided to try it out.

I downloaded the app onto my phone to start. It was pretty easy to set it all up; you basically follow the prompts and voila! You're in. I decided on the name BeforeIAm30 to stick with my theme.

My goal, as you already know if you've been following along, is to lose 30lbs at least before I turn 30. (I'm due for a weigh in today...should be interesting.) My caloric intake is 1350 a day, which isn't bad. I'm set to try to lose 2lbs a week.

I tried it out by entering the foods I ate over the weekend. Not pretty in the least. Those 5 (gulp) pieces of pizza I devoured cost me over 2500 calories! YIKES!! I felt sick after I saw that.

Today (April 24) I have eaten 732 calories so far. I will also be exercising, which will add nearly 500 calories back into the total count (did I mention I love that feature??).  And guess what: I can track calories for any cleaning and cooking I do all day, which is a bonus for me since that's what I do most of my day.

Well, back to the kiddos I go. If you're on MyFitnessPal, look me up (with no mal-intent, please; aka spamming, stalking, etc.). We can lose weight and be healthy together!


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